Alloy Images Changes Course in 2019

Since the earliest days of Pole Sport Organization in 2012, Alloy Images has witnessed 73 competitions and over 10,000 performances. We’re so proud to have captured so many of your personal movement journeys along the way.

This year, Alloy Images will shift focus back to studio shoots, as PSO develops their own in-house photo/video team. As Alloy Images moves forward, we’re diving deeper into videography and refocusing on conceptual location shoots; we are so excited to create wild, magical art in the studio with all of you.

Here's what this means for you -

-If you want to book Alloy Images studio or location shoots, visit our website or send us a message - we’d love to work with you! We’re already booking shoot tours across the US for studio photos, location work, video shoots, and private collaborations.

-If you want to purchase PSO competition photos and video from 2018 or earlier, email We will be archiving all our PSO work through January 2020, so you have plenty of time to grab videos or photos of performances from previous comps.

- To purchase your PSO competition photos and video from now on, order directly through the Pole Sport Organization Portal. So from 2019 on, tag your photos #PSOphotos.

Looking forward to capturing more of your splits and sparkles in 2019,

Vanessa and Iris

Predator/Prey - Iris & Jordan. Mojave Desert, 2017.






they won't tell you fairytales
of how girls can be dangerous and still win.
they will only tell you stories
where girls are sweet and kind
and reject all sin.
i guess to them,
it's a terrifying thought,
a red riding hood
who knew exactly
what she was doing
when she invited the wild in
nikita gill


some days
i am more wolf
than woman
and i am still learning
how to stop apoligising
for my wild
nikita gill


10 POC (Polers of Color) You Should Know Right Now

How do we respond in times like this? We dance. It's what we do. It is, to quote a West Wing episode, "how we enter the world." It is, to quote a video of an Australian poler going around right now, "it's how I locate myself in my body." It's therapy when we're tired of arguing. It's political, enjoying being in our own bodies when the world condemns them. It's wordless connection with our community. And it's work, strengthening our muscles and our minds to keep keep resisting.
How do we respond in times like this, as people of privilege? A POC student of mine posted a quote about how white liberals have been talking about "punching Nazis" - but really, how many people do you know who have punched a Nazi? Not as many as have racist relatives that they don't confront. One of her concrete suggestions for actions people of privilege can take, instead of talking about punching Nazis, is to support artists of color. 
Which spurred me to finish this post I'd been working on for too long. As we travel across the country photographing pole, we see thousands, if not tens of thousands, of performances. The number of POC dancers has been slowly growing through the years, but in some areas it's still rare to see a dancer of color at a competition. And on the average, they're also far more likely to put a political piece onstage. This is how they enter the world. And how many of their videos get shared in the community, if they don't win a huge title? How many get shared even if they do place or win? Not enough. So here's a signal boost for some really remarkable POC we've seen dance throughout the past few years - a mix of regional champions, POC who have placed but not won, who have competed at lower levels, and dancers who are known within their local pole community but should be more well known across our pole world. 
Here's how I'm responding right now. Listen, appreciate, signal boost. 
Click the play button on each one to watch them be amazing. 

Marly Jay

Makayla Elise


Joscelyn Perez

Janine Cooper

Zhyandia Joi

Hali Sgueglia

Amy Henderson

Mikal Smith

Kirstin Brown

This is by no means an exhaustive list. There are so many incredible POC dancers competing at higher levels who deserve every word of praise - Phoenix Kazree, Ashley Fox, Crystal Belcher, Sasja Lee, Dalijah Franklin, Candace Cane, Kimmy, Jazzy Alix... This is not even a authoritative list (it was written by a white woman) - but Black Girls Pole has you covered on that. However, these are dancers whose performances have stood out to me over the past couple years, that maybe you haven't heard of. And maybe now you can go support their art. 

And to conclude, I have to share (again) the single most stunning piece of #blackgirlmagic I've ever seen. Still one of the most incredible pieces of art I think any pole dancer has put on any stage. Thank you for your movement, Crystal - and all of the amazing POC dancers in our community, including those mentioned above.

Crystal Belcher

So You Want to Be A Pole Instructor


So you've been doing pole for a while and you think you're pretty good. You love to show your classmates what you've been working on, maybe give them some tips in class, and you feel like teaching might be the thing for you. Great! But before you dive into the deep end, here are some critical skills you're going to need.

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Alloy Loves: Danielle Christine

"What I found was that all of the things that make me different from other polers – like my limited and selective flexibility – actually help me be a better instructor, because I have had to ask more questions and think more about unlocking things for my body."

Danielle Christine is one of those clients who started out as purely a business connection and over the years, has become a friend. We asked Danielle to talk a little about her dance journey, her joys and frustrations, and what her future in pole and aerial looks like.

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Shay Jones


If you've competed at, volunteered for or even attended one of the Pole Sport Organization competitions in the past year, you probably already know her face, even if you don't know her name. We occasionally, affectionately, refer to her as Mama Shay.

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Aeriform Arts Aerial Flash Shoot


Flash Shoot: Aerial Edition happened this weekend!
This shoot was a little bit like leaping into the unknown. I've mentioned before that flash shoots are one of our favorite setups, since it means everyone gets to see the images right away - including me! - and we don't leave with any editing work to add to our queue. But we didn't know if the 15-minute time slot would work as well for aerialists as it does for pole dancers. With pole, you can mix it up with floorwork, tricks, spins, and simple poses. Would the aerialists have the stamina to bust out their tricks for 15 minutes with no rest time? Would we be able to capture as much movement? Would the lighting we wanted to use even work?

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Bittersweet Studios 2015


In October of last year, we embarked upon our very first photoshoot tour. Ever. Up to this point, we'd been shooting almost exclusively in Los Angeles and the surrounding area, building our business and creating a shoot method that we could easily take on the road. Our first stop was at Bittersweet Studios in Florida.

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Vicky, Liz & Danielle @ The Vertitude


In November, we organized a little shoot for three polers who were in town for the reportedly super epic pole community retreat, Pole Unbound, an event organized by Aerial Amy. We designed a shoot for the three of them that would use simple, flattering lighting to create photos that they could all use for flyers, posters, promos, etc. But on top of that, we also really wanted to make some showstopping banner photos for all three.

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